Urgently protecting the archaeological site of Byblos

Byblos, Lebanon

Operator Musée du Louvre (France) in cooperation with the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA, Lebanon)

Years 2021

Amount $ 73 500

Type of grant Emergency relief

project status Ongoing

(c) DGA
(c) ALIPH - Alexandra Fiebig
(c) ALIPH - Alexandra Fiebig
Byblos is the most important and the most visited site in Lebanon, and it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1984. However, its exceptional nature, coupled with remarkable archaeological discoveries that have been unearthed there, have made the site attractive to potential looters. In addition, the current socio-economic crisis in Lebanon has exacerbated the incidence of illegal looting. This project has the double goals of increasing security measures at the site, as well as protecting and restoring the archives known as the "Dunand Fund.” To achieve the latter, the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) has planed to construct new facilities, including an archaeological storehouse, a laboratory, and a documentation center to house the Dunand archives. To achieve the former, the DGA has set the objective of strengthening the security of the site and upgrading the electrical and lighting systems. The DGA, in collaboration with the Louvre Museum's teams, is also planning to create new storage facilities.