Stabilization of 12 historical houses in Rmeil and Medawar quarters

Beirut, Lebanon

Operator Institut Français au Proche-Orient (IFPO), National Heritage Foundation (FNP) for the Beirut Heritage Initiative (BHI) campaign and École Supérieure des Affaires (ESA), in collaboration with the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA)

Years 2020 - 2021

Amount $ 105 063

Type of grant Action Plan

project status Completed

(c) IFPO
(c) IFPO
(c) IFPO
The historical quarters of Rmeil and Medawar include 19th- and 20th-century houses from the Ottoman and French mandate periods. Located close to the site of the 4 August 2020 explosion, many houses required urgent stabilization efforts. The project helped stabilize 12 historical houses, focusing on sheltering works such as repairing the wooden frames, replacing roof tiles, and rehabilitating the rainwater drainage. Temporary roof coverings, including tarps and sheet metal, were installed, preventing further damage before the full-scale conservation could be carried out. The project also contributed to the repairs of the memorial house Beit Beirut, co-funded with the Mairie de Paris.