Damage assessment, first aid, and stabilization of 20 museums, libraries, and archives

Beirut, Lebanon

Operator Prince Claus Fund for Culture & Development in cooperation with Blue Shield Lebanon

Years 2020 - 2022

Amount $ 72 000

Type of grant Action Plan

project status Completed

(c) PrinceClaus_BlueShield
(c) PrinceClaus_BlueShield
(c) PrinceClaus_BlueShield
(c) PrinceClaus_BlueShield
(c) PrinceClaus_BlueShield
The most affected areas by the 4 August 2020 explosion were also some of Beirut’s most historically significant buildings known for their vibrant cultural scene. As a result of the blast, many museums, libraries, and cultural institutions were damaged. To assess the extent of this damage, Blue Shield Lebanon conducted a technical assessment of over 650 historical buildings. In total, 20 institutions received support for post-blast cleaning. Three museums and four libraries were also able to install temporary window and door coverings to avoid further degradation to the premises and the collections. This project also contributed to waterproofing some of the historical buildings and propping of the 19th century Bustros Palace.