Stabilization of glass artifacts at the Archaeological Museum of the American University of Beirut

Beirut, Lebanon

Operator Institut national du patrimoine (INP, France) and the American University of Beirut (AUB), in collaboration with the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA)


Years 2020 - 2022

Amount $ 9 965

Type of grant BRT

project status Completed

Years 2020 - 2022

Amount $ 15 000

Type of grant Action Plan

project status Completed

(c) American University of Beirut Archaeological Museum
(c) American University of Beirut Archaeological Museum
(c) American University of Beirut Archaeological Museum
(c) American University of Beirut Arcaelogical Museum
(c) American University of Beirut Archaeological Museum
(c) American University of Beirut Archaelogical Museum
(c) Cécile Rodier & Claire Cuyaubère
(c) Cécile Rodier & Claire Cuyaubère
The collections of the American University of Beirut's archaeological museum were severely damaged by the explosion in the port of Beirut on 4 August 2020, including an exhibition case containing 74 glass objects from Roman to Islamic periods. To save this collection, the restoration team consulted preexisting photographs and sketches of the objects to sort the hundreds of glass fragments by size, material, and color, before reconstructing 12 of the artifacts piece by piece. The work was implemented by a professional glass conservator, who also provided training to the museum staff, and a student from the French Institut National du Patrimoine. The restored glass objects were exhibited at the museum to mark the first anniversary of the blast.