Restoration of the Hammam al-Mudhaffar and Conservation Guidelines for the Historic City of Taiz

Ta'izz, Yemen

Operator World Monuments Fund

Years 2020

Amount $ 440 000

Type of grant Call of projects

project status Ongoing

(c) Birgitt Pajarola, 2007
The 13th century hammam al-Mudhaffar in the Old City of Ta’izz is one of the oldest in Yemen. In use until 2012, the hammam was an important meeting place for the community. Years of conflict have damaged the building causing its abandonment by the population of the Old City of Ta’izz. The project had a dual goal: to rehabilitate the hammam, giving on-the-job training and employment opportunities to local people, and establish conservation guidelines for the Old City of Ta’izz, which will be critical for the city's post-conflict recovery.