Multi-Religious Heritage, Salvage and Education
The sacred site of Aw-Barkhadle in Somalia contains Muslim and pre-Islamic heritage, including Orthodox Christian and presumed Jewish burial sites. This site is at risk and has suffered from looting, land grabbing, and erosion.
Thanks to this project, a digital platform ( about endangered Somali sites was created, featuring eight exhibitions with both tangible and intangible heritage. Drone images were used for this “virtual museum”, showcasing archaeological data. The platform also showcases unique collections of ethnographic objects owned by major international museums. At the same time, that drone documentation prepared the ground to identify new artifacts, to secure existing archaeological sites, and to conduct damage assessments.
With the assistance of international experts, the “Somaliland Heritage Act”, a domestic heritage protection legislation was established and public educational activities, including the production of an animated video on heritage protection, were conducted.
All activities were lead in close cooperation with local authorities and built strong relationships with the Aw-Barkhadle community elders and local custodians.