Restoration of Al Masfi Mosque in Mosul

Mosul, Iraq

Operator La Guile Européenne du Raid, in cooperation with the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH), the Sunni Waqf, the Institut National du Patrimoine (INP-France) and Ecole de Chaillot

Years 2019 - 2024

Amount $ 576 972

Type of grant Call of projects

project status Completed

(c) Azhar al-Rubaie
(c) Azhar al-Rubaie
(c) Azhar al-Rubaie
(c) La Guilde Européenne du Raid
(c) Guilde Européenne du Raid
The Al-Masfi Mosque, also known as the Umayyad Mosque, stands on the site of Mosul's oldest mosque, presumably built in 638 CE. It was heavily damaged during the occupation of Mosul by Daesh. Despite being reduced to rubble, the mosque remained in use and as a crucial place of social cohesion for the residents of the Old City of Mosul. The project cleared the site of mines and restored the building, while providing on-the-job training and employment opportunities for the local population. The restoration of the Al Masfi Mosque was led by the NGO La Guilde Européenne du Raid, in close collaboration with the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH), the Sunni Waqf, the Institut National du Patrimoine, and the Ecole de Chaillot (France). Inaugurated on 7 March 2024, the mosque is once again welcoming the community.