Emergency works on the stained-glass windows at San Francisco de Borja Church

Santiago, Chile

Operator Centro Latinoamericano del Vitral in close cooperation with the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage of Chile and Espacio Transparente

Years 2020 - 2022

Amount $ 70 000

Type of grant Emergency relief

project status Completed

© Centro Latinoamericano del Vitral
© Centro Latinoamericano del Vitral
© Centro Latinoamericano del Vitral
© Centro Latinoamericano del Vitral
San Francisco de Borja is a neo-Gothic church with stained-glass windows created by a renowned 19th-century French studio. During demonstrations in 2019-2020, the church was attacked and partially burned, causing heavy damage to the stained glass. This project relocated the stained glass to the Centro Nacional de Conservacion y Restauracion to ensure their preservation. The activities of this project include setting up a laboratory, diagnosing and documenting the 100 damaged panels, deep cleaning them, and implementing urgent preventive consolidation to prevent further deterioration.