Documentation, Training and Restoration of the Old City of Agadez

Agadez, Niger

Operator Imane-Atarikh, in collaboration with the Planning Committee of the Old City of Agadez, and Iconem


Years 2020 - 2022

Amount $ 231 896

Type of grant Call of projects

project status Completed

Years 2020 - 2022

Amount $ 52 196

Type of grant Emergency relief

project status Completed

Years 2022

Amount $ 300 000

Type of grant Emergency relief

project status Ongoing

Imane Atharik
Imane Atharik
Thomas Raguet
Thomas Raguet
Imane Atarikh
Imane Atarikh
Imane Atharik
The city of Agadez, built along caravan roads before the 15th century, preserves the rich tradition of local architectural styles. The Great mosque's minaret is one of the tallest mudbrick structures in the world, and the earthen-architecture houses around it are decorated with different complex shapes and patterns. The combined effects of civil unrest, which resulted in bombings in 2013, and climate change, causing flash floods, put this architecture at significant risk. This project, implemented by the local NGO Imane Atarikh in partnership with Iconem and CRAterre, has taken an integrated approach to the protection of the built heritage by carrying high-resolution 3D documentation, architectural analysis, and restoration of emblematic houses of the historic city. The restoration of the Great Mosque and twenty surrounding houses has also provided on-the-job training for thirty young people to preserve the knowledge of traditional architectural techniques and ensure that the community can maintain these buildings in the future.