Assessing the impact of war on Sudan's intangible cultural heritage


Amount $ 66 199

Years 2024

Operator UNESCO

project status Ongoing

Type of grant Emergency relief

Intangible heritage can come under threat during a conflict. Cultural practitioners may be displaced, traditions can be lost, and cultural assets – recordings, photos, tapes, videos, and manuscripts – stored in institutions might become endangered. However, protecting living heritage during conflict not only preserves a people's unique patrimony but also fosters resilience and provides a source of solace and strength to communities facing adversity. Furthermore, it lays the foundation for post-conflict recovery, contributing to social cohesion and the rebuilding of fractured societies. 

The aim of this project is to assess the impact of war on Sudan's intangible cultural heritage and train professionals to protect this heritage, equipping them with the necessary tools so they can assess a situation and develop an intervention plan to preserve a targeted community’s living heritage.