Aliph Foundation - Protecting heritage to build peace
Protecting heritage to build peace

LIBYA - LEPTIS MAGNA (c) Hafed Walda

Protecting heritage to build peace

Geneva, 11 December 2024

The ALIPH Foundation Board, chaired by the representative of France Ms. Bariza Khiari, convened in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday 5 December. In line with the decision made earlier this year to expand ALIPH’s scope to include the protection of cultural heritage impacted by climate change, including natural disasters, in countries in conflict, post-conflict, or crisis, the organization has formally adopted a new name: International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage (no longer exclusively “in conflict areas”).

“The results of our first six years of action in the field are striking: since 2018, ALIPH has evaluated approximately 1,500 proposals and supported 500 projects in more than 40 countries. Some of these places are among the most challenging operating environments in the world. This is a remarkable achievement for which we can be proud. Each completed project signifies a victory over acts of inhumanity and a fatalistic mindset,” said Bariza Khiari, Chair of ALIPH’s Foundation Board.


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